What’s this about?

SAY FOREVER! is an opportunity to declare your desire to live forever (or at least much longer) by participating in one of our activities. The basic activity is a street survey about the desire to live. By conducting surveys on the streets, collecting data and pictures of respondents, we create a collective portrait of people striving to live much longer.

Our end goal is to create a social demand for research of life-extending therapies.

June, 2023 update

This summer, we've decided to run Say Forever! events slightly differently. Each month, we will work with one hypothesis and ask questions to test its accuracy. This way, every month we'll gain different insights regarding people’s perspectives on life extension.

This June, we will try to figure out how optimistic people are regarding the speed of development of anti-aging therapies and their general outlook on the world. We’ll see how the level of optimism affects the number of years they would like to live.

Before the event

photo_2023-05-31 12.33.49.jpeg

Examples of stickers on a T-Shirt and a notepad

Examples of stickers on a T-Shirt and a notepad

During the event

🏁 Let’s go! Start approaching people, explaining that you’re doing a survey. Talk to as many people as you feel comfortable with.

An example of how you might write down the survey results

An example of how you might write down the survey results

Engage the person if they show interest